Friday, July 14, 2006

Roe-Willettes in SEA

Thursday morning at Pike Place Market

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Exploring in Discovery Park
Found squishy animals called "rough piddocks".

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Bored in traffic on way home from Ballard Locks

At 232 Belmont resting

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Windy dinner at Ray's

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Why does Vancouver seem bigger than Seattle??!

I am beginning to collect some statistics about Seattle and Vancouver, BC (of course, not WA) to figure out why one seems so great to live in and one seems so ... not so great to live in. My first piece of data is population. After slogging around for 10 minutes in the government websites, I went to Wikipedia and found the same information but better organized and all in one place.

Seattle pop: 578K
Seattle land area: 217 sqkm (excludes 152 sqkm of water)
Seattle density: 2,663 people/sqkm

Greater Seattle pop: 3.8MM
Greater Seattle area: 21,202 sqkm
Greater Seattle density: 179 people/sqkm

Vancouver pop: 545K
Vancouver area: 114 sqkm
Vancouver density: 4,780 people/sqkm

Greater Vancouver pop: 2.0MM
Greater Vancouver area: 2,879 sqkm
Greater Vancouver density: 694 people/sqkm

So Seattle city is half as dense as Vancouver city, while Greater Vancouver is 3-4x denser than Greater Seattle . This supports my unscientific observation that Seattle has more sprawl than Vancouver.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Richmond 夜市


Video of us wandering


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Oyster pancakes
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